Flybondi 737-800, LV-KAY (c/n 30701/1946), probably at Buenos Aires Ezeiza (EZE) on 14Sep21. ( photo)
Flybondi had a fleet of five 737-800's prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 but had to return three of them to lessors during the course of the year due to the grounding of regularly-scheduled flights to/from and within Argentina that lasted until October 2020.
The other two 737-800's, LV-HKN (c/n 30734/2477) and LV-HFR (c/n 28017/133), were stored in Texas, USA and left for maintenance in Mexico, respectively.
LV-HFR returned to service on 12Dec20 when the Argentine LCC resumed its regularly-scheduled flights with LV-HKN following on 11Feb21 as the airline added more flights to its schedule. A third 737-800, LV-KAH (c/n 30703/1964), not previously with Flybondi, joined the fleet on 21Jul21 from Sunwing Airlines of Canada, retaining some of the latter airline's color scheme.
LV-KAY (c/n 30701/1946) is the fourth 737-800 in Flybondi's fleet since the late 2020 restart of the carrier.
The aircraft was delivered to Air India Express in 2006, flying for the airline until 2014 when it joined Air Transat of Canada until the onset of the pandemic saw it grounded in March 2020 and stored in November of that year.
LV-KAY departed Chennault International Airport (CWF) in Lake Charles, Louisiana USA on 13Sep21, overnighting in Guayaquil, Ecuador (GYE), arriving in Buenos Aires Ezeiza (EZE) on 14Sep21.